Dragon Boat Short Film - A collaboration between SAG1 Dragon Boat Team and Hornet Watersports
Posted by Sharon Stidham on
As the number of dragon boat teams, paddlers and supporters continue to grow, it’s no surprise that a kinship has formed in the community around the passionate push to support and promote the sport, both on and off the water. Hornet Watersports, a strong advocate for dragon boating and its community, started an alliance with the Filipino team SAG1 Dragon Boat two years ago.
James, a SAG1 paddler, won the 2018 Annual Hornet Watersports Paddle Design Contest and claimed his coveted prize of a Hornet Watersports dragon boat paddle created with his winning design.
James from SAG1, winner of the 2018 Annual Hornet Watersports Paddle Design Contest
From here, the friendship and collaboration between James, SAG1 and Hornet Watersports flourished. Hornet was very inspired by SAG1’s success, passion, determination, and humble beginnings. Not only were they driven by the need to support their dragon boat community, but they also recognized the hard work and investment necessary to build, train and maintain a team. Hornet Watersports and SAG1 worked together to create an inspiring three-minute video featuring the team, their story, and a glimpse into what it takes to be a winning dragon boat team.
But there is more to dragon boat racing than winning. It's about friendship, support and so much more. Hornet is very proud to collaborate with SAG1 and we hope this short film inspires dragon boaters around the world to continue growing the sport and working together as a global community.